Mrgunsngear Reviewed Our Mod-1 Suppressor Heres What He Thinks

Mrgunsngear reviewed our Mod-1 Suppressor & gave great information on decibel ratings with and without the suppressor as well as the process of mounting the suppressor onto your firearm and truly showed how simple and fast it is to do.


To start off he explains why we build what we build and here’s a nice quote. ” Witt Machine & Tool is make very compact silencers that are affordable for everyone and rated for life.

The average decibel of a .223 gun is sitting around 166.7db While with the Mod-1 attached gives the new average of 144.6db which is a 23.1db reduction.

Now it’s time for the .30 Cal with supers and subs.

With supers the average was 165DB. With subs the average is 160.7db

Mod-1 on still running subs the average was 141.3db a 19.4db reduction.

Mod-1 with supers was averaging 141.7db a 23.3db reduction.

So the mounting system for the mod-1 is very ingenious and is designed to be a quick attach can.

If you have a kemo mount or adapter don’t worry the mod-1 comes with one ready to use when you order one.

Once the suppressor is getting screwed on the taper will keep the suppressor secure as soon as it snug and will make sure it won’t leak gas or shift.